GO Titans Wikia

Divine Arena

Divine Arena
Reach Main LV13 to Unlock


  1. You have 5 challenge tries daily (Resets daily at 05:00). Reach VIP LV 2 to manually reset challenges.
  2. Divine Arena battles are auto; players can't actively cast Ultimates or summon Guardians.
  3. If the attacker wins, and his ranking is lower than the defender, both sides switch ranking.
  4. The attacker loses if the battle time expires.
  5. You must wait 10 min after each battle before starting the next. Reach VIP LV 3 to cancel CD.
  6. Reach VIP LV 6 to get 100 Arena Coins daily.

Bounty Reward:

  1. Earn 3 pts for each Divine Arena battle win earns 3 pts. Lose 1 pt for each defeat.
  2. When player ranking reaches a certain tier, or when total pt requirements are met, you will get a one-time Gem reward.

Daily Ranking Reward Rules:

Daily at 21:00, according to player Divine Arena Rank, Coins and Arena Coins are sent to your mail.


Reach Main LV46 to Unlock


  1. Tournament is divided into group and final matches. Group matches start every Tue 14:00. Finals start every Thu 14:00.
  2. Tournament resets every Sat 05:00. You can register for the next tournament once it resets.
  3. Win group matches to be eligible for the finals.
  4. During Tournaments, you can get Titan Shards, Arena Coins, Coins and more.